Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How To Make An Artbook Store

Step 1: Click Movietown & select Artbook

Step 2: Click the plus sign (+)

Step 3: On the right of the screen there is a list, scroll down untill you see a purple shirt icon. Click the icon.

Step 4: Once you clicked it, it will show all of the clothes that you have. Click & drag all of the clothes that you want to sell (onto the Artbook, would be better if it was just a plain (white) template).

Step 5: After you dragged all your chosen clothings on the template you can start pricing them. You do that by typing under the items the price, or you can  price it individually. Eg; Each item is an auto or green shirt = A wishlist.

Step 6: Now that everything is done, you can click the green check mark button to save your Artbook. You can name it "Store" or "Artbook Store" to attract attention.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

How to make Short Movies (SMs)

Step 1: Have 5-6 people in your movie(s)

Step 2: On the first step of the movie, have all your people standing in a line

Step 3: On the second step of your movie make the people walk/move around

Step 4: Do step 3 until you get to step 6

Step 5: On step 6 make the people line up again, then make them do some animations (would be better with VIP's, they have more animations)

Step 6: Save your movie and name it whatever you want. Eg; Short Movie 1, 2, 3, 4, etc....

*Btw this is a 12 second movie, if you want a 10 second movie only have 5 steps*